Friday, January 4, 2013

destroying fearless ideology

One thing that will turn you into a genius overnight is to hold fast to your ideology while deliberately embracing its retractors. This is not that uncommon in our time. Well--that’s not really true--it remains uncommon as its ever been, but I think it's more often attempted now, but most attempts at it today result in failure, either by destroying all ideals, or by protecting the ideal by masking it from the menacing grasp of its retractors. Oh and there’s a 3ed, by making difference an ideal, ironically, this unchecked proceeds to destroy all the identities that made the ideal and its retraction possible in the first place. A genius though, somehow avoids all three of these traps then proceeds fearlessly beyond the event horizon.

Here’s a poem:

I am a monster made of your liberalization; I am your curse and your prize

Jackal lop dancing on your walls

Sad silent shrine to your lost sense of security

You are free and enabled to succeed

And a journal entry:

I sat in my room today and thought of how boring I am

When I entered the dining room I was greeted with interest

don't you know I'm a boring man why are you smiling

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