Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mixed review 7-31-12 (Ron Paul's Audit the fed)

Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency act is making its way through congress; this is the latest episode in a long history of American monetary policy. This story is important for regular citizens like us because monetary policy effects the value of our dollar/savings and the power holdings of varies privet entities like the IMF and the World Bank that than inturn use that power to effect the lives of people around the world. Last year Bernie Sanders Fed Audit revealed “$16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses,” (of cause we know these bail outs did nothing for regular people, just look at all the small business that have gone under sense the bail out). This new audit will do more than Bernie Sanders audit, it will shed more light on the way the Federal Reserve has been effecting interest rates in resent years, which will help to determine how the Feds actions effect the value of the dollar in relation to inflation and conversely how its deflationary efforts effect our ability to pay off loans. The truth is we need to know exactly how our monetary system is being run so that we can start making better decisions for our future; the Federal Reserve Transparency Act will do just that.

July 19, 2012 Sen. Ron Paul questiond Ben Brnanke on his actions as Fed Chairmen.

Chairmen Ben Bernanke looking as cool is ever. Their auditing your FED man! It’s like nothing gets to this guy.
North Carolina district 3 Rep. Walter Jones admits his 2 most regretted votes to be his vote for the Iraq war, and the repeal of Glass Steagall. He also requests a personal correspondence with Chairmen Ben Bernanke on the topic of Glass Steagall.
It is the stronger soul that can admit when they are rung, so good on Mr. Jones. You can find out what Chairmen Ben Bernanke thinks of the repeal of glass steagall on one of my previous blog post, just click (here)!
                                                News coverage on the hearings.

July 25, 2012 the Federal Reserve Transparency act when before the house.

As a side note.
At the beginning of this clip the narrator mentions a republican off shore drilling bill that would add arias for off shore drilling. I don't know what this bill is, but I really can't understand why people want to put our whole planet at risk in the face of real ecological catastrophes like the now forgotten B.P. oil spill, especially while new energy alternatives are available. It just seems retrograde to me, and dangers. It’s sad that even as the house passes a bill that would shed light on fanatical corruption it strengthens the strong hold of corporate corruption.

                                              Ron Paul talks about the audit and bank privilege.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mixed Review 7-11-12 (protest)

Protest: Occupy protest tosses 5,000$ overboard in protest of the Citizens United ruling.

This is an article about the 5,ooo$ protest of Citizens United, the 2011 land mark supreme court case that ruled that "money is free speech." Protesters tossed money with the words "End Citizens United," in print onto the street below. All the cash came from dominators, fully informed of the use of the funds.

This is the Guardian article by which I learned of this protest, and this is Max Kieszers financial war report where I learned of the article.

Also, make shore to check out the actual Citizens United court case documentation:  http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-205.pdf.

 More on Protest: Jesus and Nonviolence (a Third Way) by Walter Wink.

I am a complete flack, down to my vary core, even in times where I seem to be on top of things there is always a hidden slacker lurking in the darkness, it must have been an entire year ago that Debra Loyd, the ex-pastor of the church I attend, the Bridge pdx, lent me this little book, which I only just now finished reading. Jesus and Nonviolence is essentially a hand book written by Walter Wink which announces that Christ teachings on non-violence are a third way out of the faults choice between violence and permissiveness. As Walter Wink presents it, the dominate view held by many Christians today is that Christ would have us be "door mats" and not conscientious resisters of evil. I agree that this could be problematic for the purposes of the gospel, because it implies that we are called to complaisance when evil is being perpetrated against the innocent. Walter Wink points to faults interpretations of Matthew 5:38-41 as the possible root of this commonly held attitude turds violence and authority. Walter Wink wishes to unlock the true political potential of this passage:

"You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you. Do not resist an evil-doer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile(matt. 5:38-41 nrsv)."

Wink tells us that "when the court translated working in the hire of the King James chose to translate antistenai as "Resist not evil," they were doing something more than rendering Greek into English. They were translating nonviolent resistance into docility." What Wolter Wink claims is that the truth of what Jesus was saying was so disturbing to the kings men that they couldn’t translate it accurately instead they invented a Jesus that could soot their self-desired purpose to hold power.

Walter Wink explains why this mistranslation took place but also how we can discover the real meaning of the text. The Greek word for anti is still used as an English suffix to mean "against," to this day, and histemi, a verb that in its noun form means violent rebellion, armed revolt, sharp dissention. Wink states that antistenai almost always means for military encounters--44 out of 71 times. This is stunning in the fact that not only would this mean that Matthew 5:38-41 is not a call for complaisance, as he illustrates later in the text, but is actually a condemnation of war. Although I am largely sympathetic to this point I can't help but to point out that Jesus could have been referring to the kind of actions that the antistenai referse to the other 27 times, that is it's possible that he was using it in a less common way. But at last I have to conclude that that would be less likely. After all Wink doesn't seem to include insurrectionary violence, or rioting as acts of war so those could take an even larger chunk out of the 71 one passages containing the word "antistenai," so I'd say his induction that Jesus was referring primarily to war which he only implies anyway is rather strong, but his larger point that it only refers to violence and not peaceful resistance is only slightly stronger than his first point. Sorry if that seems like I'm splitting heirs, it seems important to me right now- no- it is important because people often want to make an exception for state violence, and Jesus chose a word that was often used to describe warfare, that’s really telling, but we should all know that interpretation is always part of any translation. Right!

Anyway, Winks main point isn't that war is bad it's that Jesus is offering a 3ed option that is neither violent nor passive, and I happen to love 3ed options so this has some appeal for me right of the bat.

Wink proposes that a more accurate translation of Jesus' teaching would be, "Don't strike back at evil(or, one who has done you evil) in kind." or "Do not retaliate against violence with violence." Then he goes on to explain how one could resist evil without braking without violence. I think we are all familiar with tactics of non-violent resistance, but the brilliance is in the way Wink points out how each of Jesus directives; turn the check, give your cloak, going the extra mile, are all creative examples of ways to through the power structure back on its self.

The best thing about Wink's writing is the way it seems to effortlessly confront the issue of non-violence from multiple fronts at once, my own description of his work is actually a thousand times more cumbersome then his own style. If you’re not a follower of Jesus, or admirer of the son of man in any way, I doubt you will find this exegetical stuff vary compelling, but Wink includes lots of incredible accounts of successful non-violent resistance movments that I think would be hard to disregard. As for those that consider themselves followers of Christ, but are inclined to consider Matthew 5:38-41 to be a call to complience, than if they fallow Jesus directives of; turn the cheek, go the extra mile, ect. And Wink is correct, then they will be participating in non-violent resistance anyway so in a way it wouldent mattor in the long run. The thing is though, these sorts should listen closely to what Walter Wink is saying because if they fallow Jesus and find themselves to be at odds with the power structure they will probably wish they had taken the time to understand what was really going on, that their actions where ment to disrupt the system.

I’ve included this video in which Wink presents his basic argument,
it includes nearly the entire book, but if this stuff is interesting to you then I suggest reading the book your self, it contains many interesting accounts of successful non-violent campaigns, and is relatively affordable on Amazon.

Philosophy: Diet Soap #150: Bedazzled by Hegel’s Monstrous Reason

Man, Hegel's got to be the most exsotic thinker the world has ever known!: natation, double negation,  " organic life is closer to Frankenstein’s monster then it is to the tradition of marriage or the family," I might never understand Hegel, but Dug Ling is shore fun to lissen to, and you know, maybe thats alright because who said this stuff has to be more then entertainment anyway! ..I'll figuer it out one day.

episode #150.

Literature & freedom: Anarchy & Culture Podcast Episode 5: The Thin Blue Line/Into the Abyss

I am so floored by the Anarchy & Culture blog, it's probably the most logically consistent, idiosyncratic, exotic, commonsensical blog, I've come across, now, I could say the same thing about Daniel Coffeen's blog except his is so relentlessly counter intuitional, in the best way you could imagine, so I don't think commonsense has much to do with his Emphatic Umph. Anyway, this blog post is actually a podcast about capital punishment, and if it's necessarily the prize jewel of the state, of if a stateless society has any means or right to implement such an idea, and how such things relate to our current society, see pretty interesting, wouldn't you say.

((((((((Episode 5)))))))
                                                      Trailer for Herzog's Into the Abyss

As a personal note, I watched this trailer daring some “down time” at my work, two things you should know, 1st I work at a behavioral health facility, and 2ed, there was a hostile situation tonightnight involving another counselor and a client in which the police had to be called, as you could imagine this considerably intensified my viewing of the Werner Herzog's film trailer. Pretty scary stuff.

You know in a way it's weird that this libertarian/anaricist stuff appeals to me so much, givin' that I work for the state (later I thought about this and I don't technical work for the state, I actually work for a non-profit), and in some ways have to enforce the rule of law, but on one hand I did pick my job because I felt like this was a way I could really help people, and on the other hand I can't help but acknowledge that government is the largest perpetrator of violence, and is probably indirectly responsible for most of the poverty in the world via their relation to blood sucking corporations and banks, and bla bla bla, you get the picture. Anyway, it's fun to imagine another world, where freedom of association stands, and houses don't get repossessed by scam artists bankers. So now I guess I'll go on revivaling in my oun self contradictory ways. Peace and Freedom.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

anarchism and patriotism the 4th (found object)

This is a post entitled Anarchism and patriotism by some guy named Ray, I think its rather good so I'm hosting it here for you.

Last night I did what I suppose what millions of Americans do for fourth of July: I watched a fireworks show at a local park. I was the designated driver for the evening, and I suppose not being drunk for the occasion had a certain detrimental effect on my enjoyment of the proceedings. I like hot summer evenings, outdoor grilling, and fireworks as much as the next guy, but I do not know what they have to do with America, or freedom, or anything other than a good time and a day off from work. I suppose fireworks are meant to remind us of “the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” and other such warlike imagery which, we are taught from a young age, are central to our national sentiment. One thing I don’t like is the flyovers by fighter jets and bombers which accompany the show. These remind me that the military is everywhere. They give me a tight feeling in my chest, an anxiety that is the opposite of a feeling of freedom.
Patriotism, even the kind which recognizes a difference between State and Nation, is usually anathema to anarchists (Emma Goldman, for instance), but I don’t think this need be the case. I’d like to quote extensively from an essay by the great English writer G.K. Chesterton, “A Defense of Patriotism.” He considered himself a true patriot and was indignant that patriotism was becoming identified in his country with the warlike spirit, or what he calls a “deaf and raucous jingoism.” His words can be neatly transposed to our own country’s situation as well:
On all sides we hear to-day of the love of our country, and yet anyone who has literally such a love must be bewildered at the talk, like a man hearing all men say that the moon shines by day and the sun by night. The conviction must come to him at last that these men do not realize what the word ‘love’ means, that they mean by the love of country, not what a mystic might mean by the love of God, but something of what a child might mean by the love of jam. To one who loves his fatherland, for instance, our boasted indifference to the ethics of a national war is mere mysterious gibberism. It is like telling a man that a boy has committed murder, but that he need not mind because it is only his son. Here clearly the word ‘love’ is used unmeaningly. It is the essence of love to be sensitive, it is a part of its doom; and anyone who objects to the one must certainly get rid of the other. This sensitiveness, rising sometimes to an almost morbid sensitiveness, was the mark of all great lovers like Dante and all great patriots like Chatham. ‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’ No doubt if a decent man’s mother took to drink he would share her troubles to the last; but to talk as if he would be in a state of gay indifference as to whether his mother took to drink or not is certainly not the language of men who know the great mystery.
. . .
We have to ask, then, Why is it that this recent movement in England, which has honestly appeared to many a renascence of patriotism, seems to us to have none of the marks of patriotism–at least, of patriotism in its highest form? . . . We are, as a nation, in the truly extraordinary condition of not knowing our own merits. We have played a great and splendid part in the history of universal thought and sentiment; we have been among the foremost in that eternal and bloodless battle in which the blows do not slay, but create. In painting and music we are inferior to many other nations; but in literature, science, philosophy, and political eloquence, if history be taken as a whole, we can hold our own with any. But all this vast heritage of intellectual glory is kept from our schoolboys like a heresy; and they are left to live and die in the dull and infantile type of patriotism which they learnt from a box of tin soldiers. There is no harm in the box of tin soldiers; we do not expect children to be equally delighted with a beautiful box of tin philanthropists. But there is great harm in the fact that the subtler and more civilized honour of England is not presented so as to keep pace with the expanding mind. A French boy is taught the glory of Moliere as well as that of Turenne; a German boy is taught his own great national philosophy before he learns the philosophy of antiquity. The result is that, though French patriotism is often crazy and boastful, though German patriotism is often isolated and pedantic, they are neither of them merely dull, common, and brutal, as is so often the strange fate of the nation of Bacon and Locke. It is natural enough, and even righteous enough, under the circumstances. An Englishman must love England for something; consequently, he tends to exalt commerce or prize-fighting, just as a German might tend to exalt music, or a Flamand to exalt painting, because he really believes it is the chief merit of his fatherland. It would not be in the least extraordinary if a claim of eating up provinces and pulling down princes were the chief boast of a Zulu. The extraordinary thing is, that it is the chief boast of a people who have Shakespeare, Newton, Burke, and Darwin to boast of.
America cannot look back on a long and deep tradition of high culture and intellectual distinction (though we have recently produced some of the finest world literature, from Whitman and Dickinson to Faulkner and Stevens), as England and the European nations can. But it has a far more glorious tradition of libertarianism, and it is this tradition which is forgotten, largely by the design of our education.  It is therefore a shame that the nation of Jefferson and Paine, of the Whiskey Rebellion and the spirit of ’76, of a long long train of religious dissidents and individualist anarchists, has as its best avatar of the soul Dick Cheney.
I recommend as devotional readings for the anarchist patriot the following: “Anarchism and American Traditions” by Voltairine de Cleyre,“The Origins of Individualist Anarchism in America,” and “Was the American Revolution Radical?” (an audio excerpt from the multi-volume history Conceived in Liberty) by Murray N. Rothbard.
P.S.- I was looking for some American flag pictures to accompany this post, but I found it too stomach-turning. Enough with the damn flag already. The less American citizens care about actual freedom or any of the worthwhile traditions of this country (like say, the Bill of Rights), the more they care about worthless symbols like the flag. I am reminded of a witty aside by literary critic Harold Bloom in one of his best books, The American Religion: “Creationism, I am now convinced, is only secondarily directed against the ghost of Charles Darwin. It is directed instead against all those who might deny that the Bible is a vast solid object, like a cliff or a First Baptist Church in a Texas city.” Similarly, American patriotism, 99 times out of a hundred, is only secondarily directed against those who hate America. It is instead a fierce defense of the American flag as a concrete object as it waves in arrogant victory over the cowed foreigner and the awestruck citizen, its stripes licking the sky like tongues of flame, its stars seeming like an explosion of sparks, the kind often seen when one has been punched squarely in the nose.

This is the link to the original source of this post: http://rmangum2001.wordpress.com/

And Ray's current blog, Anarchy and culture: http://anarchyandculture-mangum.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mixed review 7-3-12 (Change!)

Monetary politics: Torward the truth of Federal Reserve banking.

IT's finally here! Mary Christmas, the truth awaits us all! Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill just past the house comity on government oversight and reform, and is now on its way to the house floor. This is Big!

Here is a copy of the bill, for your veiwing pleasure:

Here’s a government web site for contacting your representative. If you think we should have more transparency in our monetary system pleas use this link to let your representative know:

Health politics: Democracy Now on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

In my opinion Democracy Now has provided stunningly comprehensive coverage of the health care issue.